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A peptic ulcer is comparable to a painful canker sore or a crater, which usually forms in the stomach lining (known as a gastric ulcer) or at the entrance of the small intestine in the duodenum (known as a duodenal ulcer). These ulcers arise from an imbalance in digestive juices or damage to the stomach lining, such as from alcoholism. If you develop an ulcer, it can cause intense pain that is hard to overlook. Neglecting treatment can lead to serious health complications such as a perforated ulcer, where the ulcer eats into the stomach wall, or a bleeding ulcer,…

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If you suffer from Diverticulosis, you know that the condition can be quite painful. It is a condition where small pouches form in the lining of your intestine, and can become inflamed or infected. When they do, they can cause Diverticular Disease. There are a number of things you can do to help prevent Diverticular Disease, including eating a high-fiber diet and drinking plenty of water. A diet low in fiber can lead to constipation, which puts pressure on the pouches in your intestine and can cause them to become inflamed or infected. Moreover, there are a number of foods…

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Magnesium is an essential mineral for human health. It’s involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure. Despite its importance, magnesium deficiency (also known as hypomagnesaemia) is common, affecting an estimated 80% of Americans. It is defined as magnesium blood levels of less than 0.75 mmol/L. Magnesium deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms and health problems. Learning of these symptoms can help you take the appropriate measures to treat any underlying issues and prevent any detrimental effects on your health and well-being. Here are 17 warning…

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Whether you’re a novice fitness enthusiast or a seasoned veteran of the gym life, chances are you’ve been bombarded with ads for pointless supplements at some point. Supplements are a booming business, and when money is flowing in, standards can become lax while claims grow more and more incredible. In certain cases, when manufacturers push certain products aggressively enough, claiming that they have miraculous health benefits, the FDA steps in to provide some much needed pushback, holding the marketers to account. In most cases, it can be hard to know what is and isn’t worthwhile, especially when it comes to…

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