Editorial Policy

At Health Search Portal, we are committed to providing reliable and accurate answers to the most important medical questions and concerns. Our editorial team works hard to ensure that all content is thoroughly researched and fact-checked, upholding the highest standards of quality and research:


Fact-Checking & Corrections Policy

We are committed to providing accurate and trustworthy information to educate and empower our users. Our content undergoes thorough review by copy editors to guarantee accuracy and a consistent editorial style. 


Our editors not only implement suggestions from subject matter experts, but also actively identify and rectify errors in factual accuracy, syntax, and bias. We prioritize swift correction of any errors and maintain transparency in our editing process. Our staff is held accountable for their work through internal tracking of all article revisions.

Editorial Independence & Integrity

We are committed to clearly identifying the different types of content on our website, such as news, features, reference, and other editorial information, to ensure that readers can easily distinguish independent editorial content from advertising.


We uphold the highest standards of fairness, accuracy, objectivity, and independent reporting in its news coverage. The company maintains complete control over its editorial content and operates free from any external influences.
